- Presa araba se teme ca relatiile dintre George W. si Laura ar putea provoca cel de-al treilea razboi mondial
Translation? Arabic press feel that the sour relations between George W and Laura could cause the Third World War....
Daca exista un sambure de adevar in faptul ca secretarul american de Stat Condoleezza Rice are un rol important in acest divort, povestea de dragoste dintre Carla Bruni si presedintele francez Nicolas Sarkozy va pali.
If even a sliver of truth exists that Sec of State Condeleeza Rice has a role in the cause of this divorce, the story of the relationship between Carla Bruni and French President Nicolas Sarkoy will pale.
Oh yes, did everyone else know that Condi and President Bush were having an affair? Because apparently all Moldovans think they are.
18 July 2008
the Hot Political News on the Moldovan (Romanian) Streets
Posted by Rian at 10:20 AM
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